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What is the right price for this service? [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Don Alm
August 6, 2014, 06:16 PM
I've started and ran many businesses over the years and my "pricing Formula" was always to charge 3 times what my cost was.

If an Alarm Installation cost me $1000 (labor & materials)....I charged at least $3,000 to the client.

With my present "Video Marketing" program I usually charge $1000 to $2,000/mo to attorneys and assisted living clients AND....my costs are probably about $50/mo.....tossing backlinks at the Keyword Videos to keep them ranked on Page One.

I base my current fees on "what's the VALUE to my client!

If I can bring an attorney or senior facility one client a month....they are happy.

If I have to pay $700 to make $300....I would probably not even begin a project like that. Whomever is receiving the $700 is probably making more money than I am and.....I don't like making "providers"...rich.

So....my advice to you is.....
1) Raise your fee (heck....one client brings an attorney $8,000 to $15,000 or more. And an Assisted Living client brings $2,500/mo X 12 mos = $30,000 for ONE Year!)

2) Find a lower cost service. I don't know what you're paying for but there's got to be a cheaper was to do it.

If you like working with attorneys, check out a guy named Derrel Eves. He does Video Marketing for Attorneys and other "Affluent" accounts.

Don Alm

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