March 30, 2016, 12:39 PM
The trigger for me was a talk with a SowPubber who has a fully fleshed out idea, and I felt my 30 week copywriting course wouldn't suit him or meet his needs. So, we discussed what he needed.
And I've been firing on all neural cylinders since then.
See, I can help people learn to sell products, but what about selling their ideas? Well, ideas have to be sold differently, but they still need to be sold, or presented to the right group.
In talking to the Remote Direct Marketers who want copywriters, we realized there are people at different skill levels and some of the more experienced writers may have either bad habits or preconceived notions on the how THEY want to do things, but, these guys, are sort of set in their ways and with their success, hard to argue.
But I think there are lots of courses out there, which don't fit a LOT OF PEOPLE, for example, SowPubbers in general know more about business, selling and marketing than Warriors...probably by a mile.
So a SowPubber wouldn't want to take the same HOW TO course as a new Warrior.
Now am I crazy or what? Doesn't it make sense to offer a customized course, if you can, and let the "student" build the curriculum, based on need and not on formula or format?
Teaching face to face selling to two people, one an introvert the other an extrovert the exact same strategies is going to leave one with tools/knowledge which may not useful.
Offering copywriting to a total noob is different than offering copywriting to a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman. The experience of one can be immediately applied where as the other has nothing to anchor the new concepts too.
BEFORE I get overly excited and too far carried away, how about some feedback, would you please?
What sort of a course might you want designed for your studies?
And, would offering a customized course be worth while, could we pull the necessary components together, in other words, can we take all the ingredients we have up on the shelf and bake a one of a kind cake ON DEMAND? Doesn't seem hard, but...I may be overlooking an important detail or two (or a dozen).
Thanks for any comments you have.
The trigger for me was a talk with a SowPubber who has a fully fleshed out idea, and I felt my 30 week copywriting course wouldn't suit him or meet his needs. So, we discussed what he needed.
And I've been firing on all neural cylinders since then.
See, I can help people learn to sell products, but what about selling their ideas? Well, ideas have to be sold differently, but they still need to be sold, or presented to the right group.
In talking to the Remote Direct Marketers who want copywriters, we realized there are people at different skill levels and some of the more experienced writers may have either bad habits or preconceived notions on the how THEY want to do things, but, these guys, are sort of set in their ways and with their success, hard to argue.
But I think there are lots of courses out there, which don't fit a LOT OF PEOPLE, for example, SowPubbers in general know more about business, selling and marketing than Warriors...probably by a mile.
So a SowPubber wouldn't want to take the same HOW TO course as a new Warrior.
Now am I crazy or what? Doesn't it make sense to offer a customized course, if you can, and let the "student" build the curriculum, based on need and not on formula or format?
Teaching face to face selling to two people, one an introvert the other an extrovert the exact same strategies is going to leave one with tools/knowledge which may not useful.
Offering copywriting to a total noob is different than offering copywriting to a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman. The experience of one can be immediately applied where as the other has nothing to anchor the new concepts too.
BEFORE I get overly excited and too far carried away, how about some feedback, would you please?
What sort of a course might you want designed for your studies?
And, would offering a customized course be worth while, could we pull the necessary components together, in other words, can we take all the ingredients we have up on the shelf and bake a one of a kind cake ON DEMAND? Doesn't seem hard, but...I may be overlooking an important detail or two (or a dozen).
Thanks for any comments you have.