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May 5, 2016, 09:14 AM
Hi Gordon,
Thanks for this explanation!
I can imagine there could be potentially hundreds of time-limited hotsheets one could create...
What are some of them?
One that comes to mind is SALES... I imagine you could compile a weekly list of where discount sales were in your area. Sure, the info is out there, but having it all in one place would (I think) be valuable...
Especially closeout/liquidation type sales. You can often make money from those. I think I'd pay for that.
I can see how a FISHING hotsheet (as you mentioned) could work... As good ocean fishing for specific fish will often vary with the tides, and thus with the moon...

Maybe another one could be... a hotsheet on IDEAS retailers can use to create FREE PUBLICITY to "piggyback" on current "hot" news!

(This will need constant updating, as the "hot" news keeps changing...)

I'm going to "brainstorm" on time-limited hotsheets and see what else I can come up with... :)

Best wishes,


P.S. Actually... I'll also refresh my memory and re-read Gordon's book on Hotsheets (http://www.hotsheetprofits.com/)... :)

The NFL and College Football, betting slips, the Billion dollar underground economy was discussed in the HOTSHEETS report too. Still going big. I don't know about soccer, but, assume it is a huge industry of gamblers too.

Here is one site:

Which peers into the future, and ideas, products and HOTSHEETS can be created out of thin air.

MONTHLY events, as you mentioned Dien, re: SALES, is a form, and I think we can include those advertising vehicles too, like postcards, Coffee News, Placemats (which have dated material, like monthly horoscopes)...

and Astrology itself has generated billions of dollars for the shrewd.

A quick look at Constant Contact


And you get all kinds of ideas for a monthly DIGITAL HOTSHEET.

Also, Google Images search for monthly Newsletters:

https://www.google.com/search?q=monthly+newsletters+for&safe=active&biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwib7Nj3_8LMAhVJVD4KHXNTBLAQsAQIMg#safe=a ctive&tbm=isch&q=monthly+newsletters

And they have tabs of categories

Realtors use HOTSHEETS (often postcards) to send out new listings, just like the Karbo original one, items for sale with price reductions.

The LEGAL News in many cities still publishes M-F, although some days they aren't much more than a HOTSHEET. These include Real Estate transfers, litigation procedures, divorces, etc.

Bigger hospitals post monthly JOB HOTSHEETS on their bulletin boards, often jobs which the public doesn't see.

These off the top of my head, but I too, will put on the beanie and see if we can up with even more PROFIT potential for TIMELY information.

Gordon Jay

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