December 30, 2016, 11:33 PM
Hi Gordon,
Great stuff!
I think one way to approach the pet market is to realize that, for many people today, pets are the replacement kids...
So anything people do with their kids, nowadays they're doing with their pets!
That includes dressing them up in a cute way, holding dog or cat birthday parties, dressing them up and taking them trick-or-treating during Halloween, buying them presents during Christmas... and so on...!
Some couples don't want children, so pets are a replacement. Others are single, so that person can't have children anyway (with no partner), or a couple may want children but can't have them for one reason or another... Pets satisfy this need in their lives, so many people are happy to spend accordingly, because it satisfies a deep need they have...
Best wishes,
Dress them up and take cute pet portraits. People will pay just as much and often much more for professional portraits of their pets compared to portraits of their children.
Cutomers never say.... that's just not Fido's smile or he was having a bad hair day or you photographed his bad side... they just say... wow... how did you get him to sit still and pose for the portraits beause I can't get him to hold still when I take my own snaps of him....
Then they buy everything you took because they love their pets just the way they are and because they realize old Fido isn't going to live forever, so they buy everyrthing you show... provided you have a good sales talk designed to steer them towards a $2,500 package.
Look at what this Pet Photographer gets!
Today she charges $1500 for the sitting fee alone... (prints are extra) and she has more gigs than she can handel.
Watch the video to see how she made $9,636 in 36 hours on Kickstarter. It's a fasinating story of how she got into it by accident.. she was in IT, got hurt in an accident, looked for work she could still do... couldn't believe people would pay for pet potraits and had no idea of how quick her pet photography business would take off.
I use to sell a course on ebay on how to make $500 a day photographing pets. Started selling it for $27... quickly put the price up to $197.00 I quit selling it over 5 years ago because it was taking up too much time. Better to just shoot and sell portraits one wekend a month and not have to deal with dreamers who are full of questions but short on action. Or the haters and stalkers who use to hang out on this forum and post nasty things about you.
And even worse are other photographers who hate you for sharing the tricks of the trade with newbies. Better to listen to Gordon, Fly Low and Collect The Dough!
Great stuff!
I think one way to approach the pet market is to realize that, for many people today, pets are the replacement kids...
So anything people do with their kids, nowadays they're doing with their pets!
That includes dressing them up in a cute way, holding dog or cat birthday parties, dressing them up and taking them trick-or-treating during Halloween, buying them presents during Christmas... and so on...!
Some couples don't want children, so pets are a replacement. Others are single, so that person can't have children anyway (with no partner), or a couple may want children but can't have them for one reason or another... Pets satisfy this need in their lives, so many people are happy to spend accordingly, because it satisfies a deep need they have...
Best wishes,
Dress them up and take cute pet portraits. People will pay just as much and often much more for professional portraits of their pets compared to portraits of their children.
Cutomers never say.... that's just not Fido's smile or he was having a bad hair day or you photographed his bad side... they just say... wow... how did you get him to sit still and pose for the portraits beause I can't get him to hold still when I take my own snaps of him....
Then they buy everything you took because they love their pets just the way they are and because they realize old Fido isn't going to live forever, so they buy everyrthing you show... provided you have a good sales talk designed to steer them towards a $2,500 package.
Look at what this Pet Photographer gets!
Today she charges $1500 for the sitting fee alone... (prints are extra) and she has more gigs than she can handel.
Watch the video to see how she made $9,636 in 36 hours on Kickstarter. It's a fasinating story of how she got into it by accident.. she was in IT, got hurt in an accident, looked for work she could still do... couldn't believe people would pay for pet potraits and had no idea of how quick her pet photography business would take off.
I use to sell a course on ebay on how to make $500 a day photographing pets. Started selling it for $27... quickly put the price up to $197.00 I quit selling it over 5 years ago because it was taking up too much time. Better to just shoot and sell portraits one wekend a month and not have to deal with dreamers who are full of questions but short on action. Or the haters and stalkers who use to hang out on this forum and post nasty things about you.
And even worse are other photographers who hate you for sharing the tricks of the trade with newbies. Better to listen to Gordon, Fly Low and Collect The Dough!