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How you can profit by being a Charisma Coach [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 13, 2017, 02:22 PM
Hi Gordon,

Great post...!

What is "fascination" and how is it different from "charisma"...?

By the way, I gotta say, you're one of the most charismatic people I've met. (I know most people here haven't met you in person, but Gordon is fascinating in person...) I remember meeting you for a couple of days when we started this website, and I was enthralled...

(And it's been the case each time we've met!)


https://youtu.be/kbiUbSPxmXc One of the better youtube videos on fascination. I studied the work of Frank Rudolph Young, and his multiplied nerve gap power, and tweaked this with cold reading. Russell Thomas in San Francisco was a master at fascination and I was fortunate enough to be taught some of the more advanced techniques.

Fascination is done by direct eye to eye contact, and some people, have it naturally, but it can be learned. It is, perhaps, the fastest way to bypass the RAS, get the mind's defenses to relax and suggest or FLASH an idea directly to the person's mind.

Wearing a big red nose can have a similar effect and depending on eye contact, might be a useful way for some to set up a favorable reception for your ideas.

I used to teach it. NO longer do. Too much time involved for me.

Well, I have no problem setting goals... If anything, I set too many goals...

As an easily bored person, I like to have multiple things to work on... :)

However, you need to "hone in" on a relatively small number, or else nothing gets completed...

It's fascinating to hear about "Dan the restaurant man"...

I don't have that much experience with restaurant equipment, but I have a little. When I did the exporting, my business partner had his own separate shipping container which also contained kitchen equipment (he used to be a restauranteur). For example, a huge gas-powered oven, much bigger than any you'd find in any home, so you could cook multiple meals simultaneously. They were worth quite a bit of money! Real restaurant equipment ain't cheap... But then, it has to generally be large, and also rugged for constant use...

Not easy to transport. But it's great to hear you can make good chatteling money dealing with it...!

Actually, it makes sense. Starting a restaurant requires a large outlay of money, so you'd want to reduce the costs as much as possible. If you can get second-hand equipment in good working condition, it makes sense...

DANS SECRET: He took the time to build his networks, and took a year to learn about the stuff he wanted to sell. He too, didn't believe how expensive some of that professional stuff costs, now he knows.

Great stuff, thanks Gordon...!

Best wishes,


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