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Millard Grubb
November 22, 2021, 07:16 AM
I'm making a lot of soups this week...and watching videos, for example, of a lentil soup, searching for some variation...and there they are, in all of them...people cutting carrots up or whatever.

I'm sure it is just me. But why not start with "add your cut up vegies", and not show me how a knife works. I think your dad was a smart guy to not get in the middle of that kitchen nightmare, even Gordy Ramsey would run.


Seems like everyone is getting into cooking.

A well-known tv commentator has taken up the cooking mantle in a youtube channel called "Jenny Can Cook".

Here is a link to one of her recipes...

https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEN1U0Uxa0VIUDJwLS10RVBneE9zZn duU1BmUXxBQ3Jtc0tsZWw3b25odWJlUDhpVVV4QmVPa2xhbE5M dS11dC1VMENDbUdsUG1LVDJpZFpCWUJHQlZ1U3RwM083RUdpWU 9EYldPRURIR1NRdlhseG9UM2JIbVpNUzN6LU5iTkR4M3lPejV6 MFl1UC14LVFWME1RTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jennycancook.com%2Frecipes%2Fb est-meatloaf-recipe%2F

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