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Youtube Video Gets over 6,000 views in 30 days. What would you do with these leads? [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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August 19, 2008, 07:16 PM
Some years ago I had a unique program to sell. I thought that just trying to sell prospects with ONE Sales Letter or ONE of anything would NOT bring me the sales I needed.

I realised I had to "Reel Them In"....like a little TugBoat brings in a giant frieghter;

The tug shoots a Nylon Line over the freighter's bow. The crew on the freighter pull the line up and...attached to the end of the nylon line is a ROPE...which the crew starts pulling up and...attached to the end of the rope is a CHAIN.

They pull the chain up and now the little tug has a CHAIN to pull the giant frieghter.

So...what I did was offer, in my sales Letters or display ads (Again, this was way before You Tube or the Internet)....a FREE Preview Video which further explained my program.

However, my "FREE" Preview Video wasn't exactly "Free". They could get my Preview Video by sending me a "Refundable Deposit of $20". If they didn't like the program...they could send the Video back and I'd refund their 20bux.

However, only about 1 in 100 returned the Preview Videos.

And....I did sell to over 20% of those who bought my "Free" Preview Video.

So...what you can use YouTube for is your "Introductory Video". Get Viewers interestedenough so they take a step and sign up to receive a Link to another site.

Think of YouTube as the "Nylon Rope" the tug uses.

Don Alm
Some of my Unique Business Programs

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