September 13, 2007, 08:05 PM
I got my 1st customer with my 4th phone call!
I was wanting to sell it at $300 for 10,000 placemats, but agreed upon $150 for first trial run.
Now my only delima's are:
1) Collecting payment (Paypal or check?)
a) Pay now or later?
2) Contract or verbal agreement?
This is an awesome business idea!
I got my 1st customer with my 4th phone call!
I was wanting to sell it at $300 for 10,000 placemats, but agreed upon $150 for first trial run.
Now my only delima's are:
1) Collecting payment (Paypal or check?)
a) Pay now or later?
2) Contract or verbal agreement?
This is an awesome business idea!