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September 15, 2007, 06:56 PM
It’s easy to give away advertising placemats and coffee mugs to restaurants because it’s free to them. Then if you called on businesses with a sample ad-mug & Photo ad placemat to offer the owners the opportunity to participate for free you would find plenty of takers because they would have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So chances are the problem is in how you approach your potential clients and your sales presentation. What you need is a “Magic Sales Method That Never Fails”.

If you simply tell them what it is, show your prices and ask them to buy - you would pick up a few sales. However you would miss out on most of them because you failed to learn and use a strategic, killer, pre-planed sales presentation like the one taught by Don Alm in his “Midas Report”.

I suspect it was Don himself who already responded to this post with some very good advice for you to act on.

The beauty of Don’s Midas presentation is all you have to do is ask a series of simple questions designed to get your prospect to answer with yes or no - thereby they magically paint themselves into a corner where the only way out is to buy or lie. The Midas Presentation works like a magic charm for dozens of ad products. Just put together a mock up of whatever ad program you want to offer and by asking the Midas questions instead of simply showing and telling - you’ll be showing and selling without the customer even realizing what’s happening until all their possible objections to giving you their order has been removed so their only choices remaining are to buy or lie their way out.

By asking the right questions during your show and tell demo your prospect won’t be able to use the objections that they normally use to get rid of your competition (other ad sales people). They won’t be able to tell you that “there’s no money in the ad budget” or “I have to show it to my partner or spouse” because you asked the right questions early on that smoothly cut off all of their regular objections. This makes it far easier for them to agree to give your program the OK instead of trying to quickly figure out a lie that you’ll buy.

They will either buy or lie.

If they lie you can call them on it and tell them you are not buying their lie and this is their last chance to take advantage of an exclusive deal for their business or you are going to be forced to walk out their door and go offer the exclusive to their competitor and that competitor will lock them out of the program forever. Do they want to gain a competitive advantage over all their competition by going ahead today or are they going to choose to snooze and lose? Tell them it’s their choice – makes no difference to you – because only one _____ type of business will be able to take advantage and if it’s not them then it will be their competitor.

If you learn and use the “Midas System” you’ll be able to write your own pay checks!


Steve Shulenski

Click Here For More Info On The Midas Report! (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160068667159&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.com%3A80%2Fsearch%2Fse arch.dll%3Ffrom%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm37%26satitle%3D 160068667159%2B%2B%26category0%3D%26fvi%3D1)

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