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Old April 12, 2017, 08:09 PM
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Default Harvey Brody thinking, sans parables and metaphors...

I've been asked in an email to make Harvey Brody the subject of one of my last Fly Low newsletters, but it would be too long, those will remain short and sweet right up to the end.

I will try to answer the questions here. I've set aside time this weekend to listen to the more than 20 hours of our phone conversations and review the copious notes I took. I'm doing this, not mainly for the guy who asked, but because Dien and I will be involved in a Sherman Hunter project.

Sherman worked closely with Harvey for several years.

I'm also reviewing the old Joe Cossman course too. BECAUSE, they share certain Toll Position elements.

So, maybe early next week, I'll give the Harvey "translation" a go. Although, when I used many of the so-called "parables" and metaphors, they were as often as not, a direct quote.

My goal is to write a succinct post on:

How to pencil out a "well thought out concept and plan" emphasizing the Harvey Brody thought process as I was given them from Harvey.

I'll attempt an A to Z, soup to nuts, Step-by-step concept plan.

If you have questions you want answered re this subject, let us know...probably this is the last thing I'll be posting about Harvey.

Gordon Jay Alexander
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Old April 14, 2017, 12:46 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: Harvey Brody thinking, sans parables and metaphors...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
I've been asked in an email to make Harvey Brody the subject of one of my last Fly Low newsletters, but it would be too long, those will remain short and sweet right up to the end.

I will try to answer the questions here. I've set aside time this weekend to listen to the more than 20 hours of our phone conversations and review the copious notes I took. I'm doing this, not mainly for the guy who asked, but because Dien and I will be involved in a Sherman Hunter project.

Sherman worked closely with Harvey for several years.

I'm also reviewing the old Joe Cossman course too. BECAUSE, they share certain Toll Position elements.

So, maybe early next week, I'll give the Harvey "translation" a go. Although, when I used many of the so-called "parables" and metaphors, they were as often as not, a direct quote.

My goal is to write a succinct post on:

How to pencil out a "well thought out concept and plan" emphasizing the Harvey Brody thought process as I was given them from Harvey.

I'll attempt an A to Z, soup to nuts, Step-by-step concept plan.

If you have questions you want answered re this subject, let us know...probably this is the last thing I'll be posting about Harvey.
Hi Gordon,

Harvey often talks in metaphors... Sometimes, on a particular topic, it's taken me a long time for the light bulb to flash, and for me to "get it"...

I think I'm starting to get a handle on this diabetes illness I've got... The latest thing I'm doing seems to be really helping a lot... (I've lost weight, and I'm already at the lowest weight I've been for over 20 years...) Time will tell, but I'm the most optimistic I've been in a very long time...

I feel the illness has been holding me back the last few years (type 2 diabetes is often associated with fatigue)... I can't wait to rev back up to top speed...

Looking forward to the discussion!

Best wishes,

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Old April 14, 2017, 08:48 AM
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Default Well, let's begin while we both are up for it. Part 1.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

Harvey often talks in metaphors... Sometimes, on a particular topic, it's taken me a long time for the light bulb to flash, and for me to "get it"...


Harvey Brody thinking, sort of…part 1.
May be more than one post, or not. Anyhow, here is the email I rec’d last week:
I noticed you mentioned in today's episode how you're yet to see " a well thought out concept and plan"
That's why I suggest...
...In one of these final episodes, please unveil what you say is Harvey Brody's secret; HIS THINKING.
Tell us plainly how Harvey Brody's thinking works; maybe even with a nice Pictogrigm to flesh things out
You refer to it a lot on the SOWPub Forum but in parables: putting hair on bald guy, magnets, rung of ladder, etc.
Who knows; you may even start seeing MORE well thought-out plans when people have a clear guide to guide them
Please give us a detailed guide to the Harvey Brody method for thinking through concepts.

Best thing is to pick up one of Harvey’s Courses on eBay, there seems to be a lot of them. This way, you get the thinking straight from him.

But I get the gist of the question, so here is my interpretation of some recurring themes Harvey and I discussed in almost 30 hours of phone conversations recorded over a 2 year period.

Before I begin, let me say to those who haven’t been around that long, and don’t know me or what I’ve written in the past, you should know this:
As a mentor, Harvey Brody came to me rather late in life; I was already established in some ways and in some circles. I was fortunate enough to have had several really good mentors.

Burt Morgan, Ed Barr and Richard Buchholzer stand out, but before them, I met Joe Karbo while going to college in S. CA. Although I really didn’t have an interest at the time in building a marketer or a mail order business, Joe was none the less, influential.

Burt Morgan founded one Fortune 500 company, and Co-Founded another. A rare feat. His pearl of wisdom for me: work with people of passion.

Ed Barr, serial Entrepreneur; restaurants, gift shops, oil wells, stables and horses, real estate, said: don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify.

Dick Buchholzer said; don’t invest in things you can’t control.

Although I had known about Harvey Brody, and spent several hundred dollars on his courses, his biz model wasn’t at the time of interest either. One day he went to work, had an encounter with a foul employee, and basically shut down a very profitable business and worked with his wife and daughter. NO more employees. Then he caught my attention.

A one man (mostly) band, doing International business with only 150 or so customers, all on autopilot just placing orders when they needed his products.

He didn’t touch the product, it was made to his specifications and shipped to his customers who then used their own distribution channels, and he has sold, by my best guess…well over 100 million units of one of his products.

He’s been married to the same woman since they both said, “I do.” Never been in a SCANDAL, never went to jail, didn’t snort millions of dollars up his nose like some of his contemporaries.
No lawsuits, other than spurious and specious ones by patent vultures.

Runs a sweet little biz out of his home office, and does very well. I find him to be a good business model and one most worthy of emulation.

But, I’m suited to be a lone wolf operator. I had employees, hated it. So, this works for me. You may have bigger ambitions, you may want the headaches of employees, and you might want to grow a huge business like Burt Morgan or Ben Suarez did.

YOU get to do what you want. I don’t believe there is a better business model for a one man operation than the “Toll Position” model. Feel free to disagree.
I don’t like slop, mess, PIA customers (you guys are about all I can take, HA!). I like to Fly Low.

You may want to be on stage and center of attention, go ahead. Anyhow, what separates Harvey from so many others is his superior thinking.

He uses the VIEW FROM THE ROOFTOP. If you can do this, it reinforces the point, but if not, you can use Google maps, earth view and see things from above. Go to a tall public building in your area, go as high up as you can and see the view.

You can simply see more the higher you go. Stand at your front door and what do you see? What would you see from the top of your house or bldg. You’d get a less obstructed view of the territory, wouldn’t you?

Harvey’s view from the rooftop, in ordinary, mundane and usually UNacted upon lingo is: know what you want.

What is the goal? Where do you want to get to? If financial, how much? This isn’t new or even unique to Harvey. Most of you have read Napoleon Hill’s THINK AND GROW RICH, the de facto manual on getting rich. Hill’s first step. DESIRE.

Desire is the starting point of all riches. Before this, the book begins with a question; What do you want most? Many people miss that when reading the book.

The first paragraph of the book may be the entire “SECRET” of the book. It reads,
The Thirteen Steps to Riches described in this book offer the shortest dependable philosophy of individual achievement ever presented for the benefit of the man or woman who is searching for a definite goal in life.

I would adjust this for you to read; definite GOALS in life. We will have many in the course of our life.

This, I believe, is the fundamental thought of Harvey Brody, having a goal, seeing an end result and then PLANNING and executing the plan with adjustment as needed.

The view from the rooftop allows you to “see” what the goal looks like, say if you were walking to the park a few blocks away, from the rooftop, you could see the best route to take. May not be the shortest, but it could be. Maybe that Ahole on Elm St. lets his Rottweiler’s run loose and you want to avoid them.
A well thought out PLAN includes the possibility that adjustments will have to be made.

So if you have a clear view from the rooftop, a clear GOAL, then you examine the step off rung. What is the last thing you do before you step on the roof, then BACKWARD CHAIN your way down the rungs of the ladder to the bottom.

The view from the bottom is the same view as from the top, only in your mind, not yet in your line of vision.

OK, my step off rung for the revised APV report was to post a link here at SowPub. That meant it was live. My goal as seen from the bottom, March 21, was to have the report done and for sale by my late brother’s birthday, April 10.

My view from the rooftop was seeing my email with messages from PayPal telling me I had money in my account. I did have a goal, which I shared with a friend, for verification, but it included back end consulting gigs in the BIG VIEW. But, the step off rung onto the roof was when I gave people a chance to buy the report.

What happened after that, was(is) part of a bigger ladder (staircase, like a fire escape up a bldg) which took me to a higher view.

But for the sake of this discussion. Harvey would have me explain what the rung below the step off would look like, what would be the ACTION taken. So here are my rungs of the ladder for the APV revised report.

April 10, Step off rung-Report offered for sale.
April 9. Review all pages, check the process and make sure it works. I did but had a snafu, which I didn’t see until brought to my attention by a few buyers in. It took a few, because they figured out a copy and paste solution and/or contacted me and I sent the report as an attachment.
If I had had a good “pre flight” checklist, like Harvey suggests, I would have caught this error, I should have had one of you actually buy the report, and I’d refund the buy and thank you for testing it. Learn from my mistake.


Last edited by GordonJ : April 14, 2017 at 09:19 AM.
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Old April 14, 2017, 09:05 AM
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Default Part 2.

But on the day before I posted it for sale, I went over the sales offer, the paypal button, the read this first page, the no refund page, and the download. It was on my checklist, but again, I took a shortcut and as a result screwed things up.

By April 8, I need to have an edited and ready to go report.
April 7, get feedback, last minute from readers, editors.
April 6, 5, 4. Send report to readers.
April 3 have completed rough draft ready.
April 2, add any graphics or additional pics.
April 1, have completed manuscript.

SEE? All the way back to March 21, revise and update and sell the report.

My view from the ground on March 21, was the same as April 10, to ‘SEE’ email from PayPal saying I had sold some product. The view from the start is the same as the view from the rooftop minus the ACTIVITY of climbing each rung.

Along with Harvey’s “pre flight checklist” before you can kick out the chocks and go down the runway, you have to have the plane fueled, ready and a filed FLIGHT PAN. He said many times if you are flying to NYC from Chicago, and you insist on flying West, be prepared for a very long flight. Around the world.

Shortest route, fly east from Chi town to the big apple.

Heck, you could probably fly above I -90 the whole way (in theory). The reason you file a flight plan, is to let the traffic controllers add you to the air space. You don’t want to be flying in restricted or heavily traveled air space.

Again, a GOAL. A DESTINATION. A place you want to get to. The time it takes to get there.

A plan of activity. Adjustment.

Pretty much all of his so called parables and metaphors are about the planning or the adjustments you make.

So you want to fly your little plane to NYC from Chicago. You have a flight plan, all fueled up, plane checked out, weather OK. You’re ready to taxi down the runway, BUT YOU FORGET TO KICK OUT THE CHOCKS.

The little pieces of wood if not removed first prevent you from taking off. It is akin to those of you that have written reports, have web sites, all set up, but never release, never take the step off rung, and your plane is idling on the ground being held back by the smallest of forces, and only you can kick out your chocks.

Harvey was in the Air Force. So it is no wonder he has so many plane metaphors, but his safe harbor thinking uses a ship, and that works for me, being an old salt and all.

Most of us are going to experience or have, rough seas. It is just the nature of life. Like a plane, a ship requires a destination too, otherwise you’re just being tossed about capriciously by the winds. Going nowhere, in circles, or getting slammed into the rocks of life.

A safe harbor gives you shelter from the storm (like a girl of the north, in a Bob Dylan song).

Often Harvey thinks this in financial terms, but a bigger play is out there. He had an experience when he was 10 which made him believe in a higher power, and lives his life in accord to his beliefs. So many guys have gotten into hot water or trouble with their marketing or businesses by being less than 100% honest.

A safe harbor, savings, other income streams. Ownership. All should be planned for because there are rough times. George Costanza should not have put all his money from his I-toilet app in with Bernie Madoff. George’s wife met Bernie, didn’t like what he was wearing, and pulled her share out, before Madoff got caught. She created a safe harbor while poor George got beached on the rocks.

People of faith and belief have a spiritual safe harbor which they can always count on.

So, knowing what you want. A goal. A destination. A plan. A view from the rooftop, a flight plan, a preflight checklist…all concepts involving THINKING first, thinking through the plan, enumerating the rungs, the steps, looking for barking dogs before you encounter them…all this before you take off.

Far too many people can’t or won’t do this type of “heavy” thinking and would rather just do it. They do. But Harvey has had very few if any, failures from a clearly thought out plan.

Whereas, many IMers take years, and barely get to freedom, and if they do, will oft fall off the roof and break their legs and get eaten by the dogs.

THINK and grow rich.

OK. Bald men, iron filings. A kids game is the bald man, and there are iron filings and the kids take a magnet and give the bald guy hair. Harvey teaches that interaction and negotiation can be of a similar nature. Unlike the art of the deal from Trump (how’s his skills working out for the world?)…

Harvey likens the actions between people to be like iron filings on a big table, and he holds a powerful magnet under the table, out of sight, to move and control the iron to get the picture he has seen in his mind.

BEFORE he goes to the meeting, the negotiation, the deal making session, he has a clear idea of how the other part should act, he creates the hair on the bald man, then manipulates the magnet below the table to get the results.
Now, most people want to get to the end result too, so it is more like arranging the filings in a way the other party can clearly see it is in his/her best interest.

Everything Harvey taught me, was on the Square One Workshops a decade before he put his spin on it. And his concepts aren’t difficult nor in most cases nothing new, but the emphasis on thinking before he acts, is probably the key difference between him and most Entrepreneurs.

On the Square One Workshops you have a lifeline.

To the left is your past, to the right your future.

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Old April 14, 2017, 09:11 AM
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Default Part 3.

On the Square One Workshops you have a lifeline. To the right is your future.

The small triangle, the tip of the Pyramid of Accomplishment is placed out to the right at the time you want it to manifest. Take a look at it and using the Automatic Product Vending report as the example, on March 21 I stuck a small triangle on my lifeline for April 10. Below that, is the POA.

At the bottom of the POA is the result I want. Same as the manifestation.

Along the POA and inside of it is TIME. And the 7 exits out of accomplishments. You could think of it as a Pyramid with steps, or a ladder like Harvey’s rooftop. And you could backward chain from the manifestation to the day you start.

So, to answer the email request, Pictogrigms are already there, just plug Harvey’s lingo, metaphors and parables into it and onto YOUR lifeline.

But it goes full circle, back to what do you want? Why? The why is the power, the engine, the fuel to keep you in activity toward your goal until it is manifest. It is the first paragraph in Think And Grow Rich.
When you analyze a potential business or concept, you start at the end, the TRANSACTION.

What does that look like, where does it take place, and you USE the rungs of the ladder or the POA to see what the steps are, where the dogs are hiding, what, when, why and how.

I want to sell snow cones.

The transaction is a customer gives me 4 bux, I hand him a flavored cup of ice.
Where does this take place? County fair, Italian Festival, rodeo, beach.

Probably not in Alaska in the winter. Not in Ohio in the winter, unless indoors.

How is the ice stored? Where do I buy it? Where do the flavors come from? How do I get it? What sources are there? Is one better, more reliable better flavors? If at the county fair, what permits do I need, how much is the space, and where will they put me, the wrong location could kill me and my profits.

Thinking, thinking, thinking…FIRST. It is different than the way most people operate.

They may buy the franchise or distributorship, or get a license, then find out they are under capitalized because their first 3 events got rained out. No contingencies, no safe harbor, and soon selling the business for less than they paid for it. Or grinding it out, barely making it, for years.

Thinking first. Planning first. Having a clear vision. An idea. A well thought out plan.

This may be the A in the A to Z thinking,

Dien, do you have anything to add?

Ask questions if you have them. NOW is the time.


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Old April 14, 2017, 09:57 AM
unpinkpanther unpinkpanther is offline
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Lightbulb Call me sentimental, but...

...these posts mean a LOT to me. And coming on Good Friday, there must be a reason!

Thank you GordonJ

I've always guessed Harvey Brody kinda "reverse-engineers" his goals but the few YouTube videos on "reverse-engineering goals" didn't quite get as granular as you just did.

The examples you gave seem to be for projects similar to what you've done in the past, so you already have an idea of the step-by-step processes involved

Question: How about if you're delving into a completely different field, where you'll certainly need to include RESEARCH into your pre-flight checklist?

How do you know when to STOP researching, to get out of the Square of Knowing and into the Square of Doing?

(OK, I guess that's TWO questions...)

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Ask questions if you have them. NOW is the time.
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Old April 14, 2017, 11:07 AM
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Default Actually two very good questions.

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther View Post
...these posts mean a LOT to me. And coming on Good Friday, there must be a reason!

Thank you GordonJ

I've always guessed Harvey Brody kinda "reverse-engineers" his goals but the few YouTube videos on "reverse-engineering goals" didn't quite get as granular as you just did.

The examples you gave seem to be for projects similar to what you've done in the past, so you already have an idea of the step-by-step processes involved

Question: How about if you're delving into a completely different field, where you'll certainly need to include RESEARCH into your pre-flight checklist?

How do you know when to STOP researching, to get out of the Square of Knowing and into the Square of Doing?

(OK, I guess that's TWO questions...)

Well, if it is of a monetary nature, you begin at the end, the TRANSACTION.

In non money making fields, what it the target result you want? How will you measure that?

One way is to maybe create a "qual" card. I went to submarine school in New London Conn, and after 8 weeks of study, I didn't know anything, except what the "elephant" looked like, and like the blind men who touched the elephant in different places, came away with different perspectives on what it was...their

hands on research, really didn't help them understand what an elephant was.

When I got to Newport News VA, and actually set foot upon the submarine, did I have some idea about it, and I was given a Qualification Card, where I had to have things signed off by qualified sailors once I learned them.

So, if you can, create a Qual Card for yourself. OR a curriculum. Think of your research as a college of understanding, what would be the 101 Class.

On the submarine, it was the topside, the first thing you stepped on once you crossed the gangplank. So it makes sense to start there.

Say you are researching solar energy, you'd have to DEFINE what it is, and for your research sake, how it will be used and applied. Researching new things and ideas have a elementary school way of learning, you have to know your ABC's first before you can read or write.

What is the lingo, the language or your field of study? Who are the experts? What is available, info wise, where do you find it? What will you do with this research? Again, I favor a BACKWARD CHAINING exercise, going from the end result back to the beginning.

As for the end of research and the DO might appear on the timeline when you do this chain of events. OR, in many cases, when a DEADLINE is set.

If you work for someone and they give you 30 days to do something, then you know how much time you have. Where the dogs come in, is when your result depends upon the action of others, and if they are not connected to the project or are outside, it throws you off. Easiest way not to get used again as a copywriter is to miss a deadline on a project going to roll out on a given date. As an example.

So, is there a TIME limit place on your project? When must it get done? Can you identify the potential time delays (other people?) is like going to your roof and seeing the shortest route to the park is down Rottweiller infested Elm St. But you want to avoid that confrontation, you take Oak st. instead.

If you offer an example or two, I might be able to give you a more specific example. Fair enough?

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Old April 14, 2017, 03:24 PM
unpinkpanther unpinkpanther is offline
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Lightbulb You can call it Applied Chatteling but...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Well, if it is of a monetary nature, you begin at the end, the TRANSACTION.

Thank you for the very detailed response.

I'm trying to delve into Barter/Trade applying tips I learned from The Chattel Report and BJ Fuller's Barter Secrets.

My expected positive end-result is to have a network of ready buyers so deals get easier to flip/cash-convert.

I must admit: my thinking has not be as structured as you outlined.

- No clear pre-flight checklist
- Not "looking for barking dogs before you encounter them…all this before you take off"

So all I've done so far is send out cold emails based on the "Mr Feldbush Script" on page 39 of The Chattel Report. Good response rate, more like "Yeah, we'll get back to you".

Now I see that I didn't factor follow-up into my plans. So I just let things sit there. My bad.

So NO network of buyers built, which -by my estimation- is a CRUCIAL part of the barter/trade game.

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
As for the end of research and the DO might appear on the timeline when you do this chain of events. OR, in many cases, when a DEADLINE is set.

The problem is: maybe I've had a lot of misguided optimism about how things would pan out. I got ZERO response to the suggested ads in the BJ Fuller book, asking for excess inventory. Again, I didn't factor in that ads may bomb and there could be the need to tweak things, brainstorm options...

Please what else do you think I'm missing?
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Old April 14, 2017, 08:45 PM
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Default Delve in? You want a Network of ready buyers?

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther View Post
Thank you for the very detailed response.

I'm trying to delve into Barter/Trade applying tips I learned from The Chattel Report and BJ Fuller's Barter Secrets.

My expected positive end-result is to have a network of ready buyers so deals get easier to flip/cash-convert.

I must admit: my thinking has not be as structured as you outlined.

- No clear pre-flight checklist
- Not "looking for barking dogs before you encounter them…all this before you take off"

So all I've done so far is send out cold emails based on the "Mr Feldbush Script" on page 39 of The Chattel Report. Good response rate, more like "Yeah, we'll get back to you".

Now I see that I didn't factor follow-up into my plans. So I just let things sit there. My bad.

So NO network of buyers built, which -by my estimation- is a CRUCIAL part of the barter/trade game.

The problem is: maybe I've had a lot of misguided optimism about how things would pan out. I got ZERO response to the suggested ads in the BJ Fuller book, asking for excess inventory. Again, I didn't factor in that ads may bomb and there could be the need to tweak things, brainstorm options...

Please what else do you think I'm missing?

Yea, I'm seeing your "misguided optimism". I can't speak to anything in the BJ Fuller book, unfamiliar to me.

So, first this:

It appears you want to chattel, so how many bike shops, music stores, antique and collectible shops, used appliance stores, have you actually gone into and looked around and introduced yourself to the owner?

I want to keep this thread on the Harvey Brody thinking process. So, some of this answer may not apply.

I don't see a clear view from the rooftop? Only a cloudy or foggy idea. It doesn't seem to be clearly defined. Are you trying to chattel? Barter?

What is the end financial goal here?

So right up front, maybe you have to define what your outcome is going to be. Say, one year from today, what income would you want, and HOW is it going to come to you? What does your work day look like?

There are "networks" and then there are NETWORKS. A network of musical instruments, both supply and demand, could be local high school band directors and music stores. Evergreen and constant, but relatively low profit per transaction.

A network of sellers of heavy equipment or Farm Equipment where the transaction could get into tens of thousands of dollars, albeit fewer sales.

Joe Karbo belonged to a group (network) of BOAT/YACHT enthusiasts where the transaction was 6, 7 and even 8 figures. Fewer transactions still, but only a couple a year puts one in "high Egyptian cotton".

Do you have a current specialty, knowledgeable about anything? If not this is where experts come in, watch some you tube videos of the Pawn Stars, see how they use experts.

Harvey Brody is a pocket watch aficionado, he would know his Patek Philippe from a Timex, not me, but I have a guy right down the street who could tell me and if I made a yard sale or Flea Market discovery (as Harvey did) I'd probably have an instant partner to flip it, see?

I personally wouldn't respond to an email. I want to know who I'm dealing with, I am not surprised email isn't working for you, probably need an active site or Facebook group for someone to look at.

Facebook buy and sell groups are popular, maybe find one in your neck of the woods?

But back to the thinking. What airport or city are you flying too? (Metaphorically).

If for example, you want to build a 10,000 buck a month biz by next year, what would that look like? How many transactions would you need to make? Assuming you'll be doing low, medium and hopefully some High profit deals, what would that look like?

Not sure what kind of research you need to do, use other people's expertise (barter for it or pay em).

Can you sketch out what a month, a year from now, might look like? What would a typical day be? What would you be DOING? Just putting deals together? With who?

So again, your TRANSACTIONS have some of the answers you need. Say you find a few thousand to 5k dollar bikes and want to flip them...the guy you meet TODAY in your hometown, could be the guy next year who makes it happen in a day.

I doubt seriously you'll meet this guy via email. Maybe? But I wouldn't bet on it.

When I wrote, almost 10 years ago now, that Harvey had SUPERIOR THINKING, this is because he spends the time BEFORE he gets involved to figure things out, so when he is ready, he has the answers he needs.

Now most don't want or need to go this deep into something, but his record is hard to beat, thinking takes time, but he has it down pat, and the metaphors he used with Dien, myself and others, is how he is able to make his point.

Had Dien found out about the dogs on Elm street, he may not have sent all those toasters half way round the world. HA!

I think you need to THINK your project through, or take the DO IT route and hope for the best.

No right or wrong, but there is effective effort and there is wheel spinning, and Harvey Brody doesn't get into wheel spinning. Just sayin.

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Old April 15, 2017, 12:57 AM
unpinkpanther unpinkpanther is offline
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Join Date: May 2016
Location: Nigeria
Posts: 226
Default You're absolutely right... wheel spinning is making ME sick!

There is a LOT of thinking to be done, now I have a clear guide

Thank you for highlighting key gaps in my thinking.

I'm grateful

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Yea, I'm seeing your "misguided optimism".

So, first this:

It appears you want to chattel, so how many bike shops, music stores, antique and collectible shops, used appliance stores, have you actually gone into and looked around and introduced yourself to the owner?

I don't see a clear view from the rooftop? Only a cloudy or foggy idea. It doesn't seem to be clearly defined. Are you trying to chattel? Barter?

What is the end financial goal here?

So right up front, maybe you have to define what your outcome is going to be. Say, one year from today, what income would you want, and HOW is it going to come to you? What does your work day look like?

Can you sketch out what a month, a year from now, might look like? What would a typical day be? What would you be DOING? Just putting deals together? With who?...

I think you need to THINK your project through, or take the DO IT route and hope for the best.

No right or wrong, but there is effective effort and there is wheel spinning, and Harvey Brody doesn't get into wheel spinning. Just sayin.


Last edited by unpinkpanther : April 15, 2017 at 12:58 AM. Reason: Silly typo
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