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GJABIZ Pocket Pro, a coach in your pocket. [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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May 8, 2019, 03:17 PM
So here is my mini course on persuasion and influence, direct face to face.

It is in 3 parts. First a pdf which explains everything. Then the booklet, if you want to print it out yourself, it is there. And the Pictogrigm of Persuasion, which may make a little more sense.

First, the PDF:


Then the booklet. Make sure to print in landscape mode, and duplex printers need to Print on one side at a time, or flip page two over... print, cut and staple carry in your pocket.


Then the POP. Pictogrigm of Persuasion


Any questions?


Also, note SowPub does have two different pages..one secure...

I got a note about it being NOT secure. Try https://www.sowpub.com to reach the secure pages.

If you print one page at a time, be sure you put the paper in the same direction, or else it will print the back upside down.

Thanks for all comments, corrections, or contributions you care to make, and I can easily add to the PDF if you think something should be added, or explained a bit more, OK?


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