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Getting attention. The ways and means, and the HOW and why. [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 4, 2020, 12:37 PM
Thanks Glenn !

I remember you talking about the confetti cannon. I appreciate you letting us know your success with it.

As always, you not only discuss, but do.

BTW, excited that I found some old audio tapes where I discussed a lot of high impact marketing ideas and methods... this discussion is just the place where I can share the info as I review it.

I'll let you know what I find.

Thanks Millard, we will look forward to the "lost" treasures you uncover.

The thing I like about Glenn's shares here is we often get to find out the result. If anyone wanted a great course on NLP and attention gaining, a day here reading through Glenn's posts would do the trick, I know I've learned a lot from him.

We welcome any discussions about high impact marketing, something we all want.


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