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Dien Rice
June 20, 2022, 06:20 PM
Thanks Gordon for sharing your method!

I love the doodling idea!

I agree that you probably access other deep recesses of your mind by handwriting and doodling...

We (as humans) have been handwriting and doodling for thousands of years, but we've only been typing for maybe 100 years, so it probably accesses some ancient parts of your brain!

Also, thanks, I hadn't made the connection to the Square One Workshops... It makes a lot of sense! :)

Thanks again... More doodling for me in the future! (Which is fun, too!) :)

- Dien

I, too, do most of my creative THINKING, by writing out and doodling. Then I keyboard it.

One thing I use is sort of an outline type, where I may have numbers or A,B,C...areas on the paper, or even boxes...and then doodle, in and around this.

Often, words will appear within the doodle, or scribble, never trying to make the doodle BE something, like no thinking about it, just letting the crayon run across the page, while at the same time*

*which may or may not be important

Fill in the text boxes, or get the ABC, or 123 down on paper

I reckon, without science to back me up here, that I engage both sides of the brain this way, whereas typing doesn't let me capture in SOME form, those random, often pesky, but sometimes illuminating invader thoughts.

But try different things to find what works for you.

Thanks Dien for sharing this.

Also, it is the reason I don't allow people to create their SQ1 from a form or fill in the blanks, when written out by hand, THEN the SQ1 reveals its personal messages.


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