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Coming soon: Melted gold turned into new shiny baubles. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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October 29, 2022, 02:58 PM
This from an email. A long time SowPubber asked about something we discussed in early 2000's, and Dien and I had to dive into the archives to find that little gold nugget.

Well, we both found a lot of old posts and links, to some pretty good ideas.

I'm not working, still recovering from my Covid, apparently, I have long covid symptoms, on top of ear infections, both inner and outer...YIKES, only 6 weeks ago, I was the picture of good health, now a poster boy of staying away from people altogehter.

Anyhow, I will be spending more time looking through our 22 years of prior posts, and see what is there. That I can do.

Work WERK!! is not yet back on the table.


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