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Dien Rice
December 12, 2006, 10:33 AM
Working on building business the last two years, I am starting to feel a little bored with the work that I am doing. I don't believe that it is related to lack of interest in the field, instead I think it is a matter of days running together and not enough 'fun' challenges coming my way lately. I guess this is the business owner's writers block, the brick wall we all hit at one time or another.

We all know that persistance is a golden rule to successful business.

So I ask, how do YOU overcome -business block, and overcome boredom when things get slow? Especially when funds get low?

I always like to hear a little about what other people are feeling about similar subjects to myself. SOWPUB is my chess club ;)

Thanks Guys (& Gals)


Hi Infinigeek,

I find when I hit a "block" it can be due to various different reasons...

Sometimes it's because I haven't eaten properly... If that's the case, then it means I need to go and get some decent nourishment!

Other times it may be because I haven't had enough sleep. So catching some Zzzz's then often fixes the problem. :)

Sometimes it may be stress, or I just need a break.

If I just want a short break, sometimes I'll play a short computer game (usually about 15 minutes, no more than half an hour). Recently I've enjoyed "Yahoo Tennis" http://www.dailyhaha.com/_flash/yahoo_tennis.htm and "Dice Wars" http://www.dailyhaha.com/_flash/Dice_Wars.htm .

Sometimes I'll watch something on (gasp!) the "boob tube" (meaning the television), or listen to some music.

If I need a bigger break I'll call up a friend, visit a friend or even go for a drive, or hang out at a bookshop and browse all the books (that's one of my favorite hobbies!)...

I think everybody has ups and downs. Sometimes there's a real reason behind it (hunger, fatigue, etc.) and identifying that can help you handle it... :)

Not sure if I helped. I think pretty much most of what I do falls into one of Ankesh's categories... :)

- Dien

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