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Toll Booth Position Mentoring From Jay Abraham [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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November 15, 2007, 11:34 AM
Thanks for the great response.:)

I wasn't trying to push Jay Abraham's stuff, I was trying to bring some awareness that other folks are starting to catch on to the IP toll booth along with what's being charged.

I'm on board with you and your Harvey Brody instruction.

Thanks again for what you're doing Jay.


I'm glad you found the Jay Abraham stuff. He is to my knowledge, one of the few "real" Harvey Brody students that went on to reach such heights and is sharing his knowledge with the world too. Jay is great.

Hey, if there is an affiliate, why not push it? I'm down with that.

Let me take this as an opportunity to explain the difference with Harvey Brody and everyone else. In my lifetime, I've only come across ONE other person whose thinking approached that of Mr. Brody's. That would be Burt Morgan, whom I've talked about before, one of my heroes.

Burt was also a money-making genius like Harvey, and he was a THINKER. Believe me when I say that is a rare bird. Burt left this world a better place, his businesses still contribute millions of dollars to the Ohio economy, mucho taxes, and his foundation distributes millions of dollars to area non-profits. His Concept Development company was based on "innovative thinking"...again, a rare commodity.

What I've discovered about Mr. Brody is...he is a different kind of THINKER. He doesn't even begin the same as others, so, his conclusions are vastly different. He is helping me get my own thinking in order, and even though I am not a spring chicken by any means, it is totally new and different to me and a challenge not to resort to OLD ways of thinking (which get old ways results).

The whole Toll Position (Intellectual Property Control) and all that comes with it is a very closely guarded secret, a REAL one, unlike the so-called ones that marketers "spill their guts" about. In this field, everyone who is making the big bux is tight lipped. Harvey doesn't need to be, he's well established with 53 years of doing it and has taught the majority of people in this business some of his HOW TO.

So Tim, I'm glad you brought up Jay Abraham, if I had time, I'd take his course just to see what it is...but TIME...ah, there's the crunch. I'm going to spend my time with Mr. Brody, who assures me, what he taught last year about Toll Positions is so different than what he knows today...that it is like that Toll Booth stuff is a 07 Mercedes Benz...but the H.B. stuff of today...that's a flying car rocket ship.

Jay Abraham has some great stuff, he's a master money maker. Please read my comments to Killarney below.


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