November 28, 2007, 08:00 PM
Aloha Bob,
One idea I had a few years ago was to create a business that provided traffic alerts to commuters via SMS (text message) before they left home for the day... and before they left work. The text message would essentially let the subscriber know of any jams, accidents or stalls on their selected route.
I just Googled my idea and found that a UK company is doing it...
Other examples? How about sports betting via SMS? Projected revenues of $28 billion worldwide.
Generally, any moneymaking service that can be put on a computer can be put on a phone.
One idea I had a few years ago was to create a business that provided traffic alerts to commuters via SMS (text message) before they left home for the day... and before they left work. The text message would essentially let the subscriber know of any jams, accidents or stalls on their selected route.
I just Googled my idea and found that a UK company is doing it...
Other examples? How about sports betting via SMS? Projected revenues of $28 billion worldwide.
Generally, any moneymaking service that can be put on a computer can be put on a phone.