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Flyers to advertise and also as a side biz? [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 13, 2008, 07:14 PM
You're right Phil! I actually pulled out all my "Jay Abraham' and "Dan Kennedy" info to review over the next couple of days. I hadn;t considered VFlyer but it's something I'll definitely look into.

As far as USP goes, I think I'll relate it to the fact that I"ve NEVER had a doorhanger on my door in the 6 years since I've been living in this area. It's new, it's different, it might just get some attention if for no other reason other than the fact that it just isn't used around here by anyone as an advertising medium.

And I think by adding the "Million Dollar Bill" to the front of the package, it will get attention ASAP from the curious homeowners. I may rethink that, but at the moment, the fact that the "message delivery method" (the doorhanger & $$ BILL showing) is different, will set it apart from the typical flyer, postcard, letter, etc. that most small biz owners are use to.

Only testing will tell, right?

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