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September 21, 2008, 12:38 AM
So if your MAIN PURPOSE is NOT to bring traffic from customers or anyone else, why do you care what Position your site had on Google?

And I don't care about your Excitement Level at getting top billing. Merely pointing out to You - and others - that Top Google Billing is not as Like Wow as it's made out to be. After all, you also got top billing for Other things in quotes too.

I just typed in "Stay home save gas" with and without quotes, and Gordo's post comes up top three either way - top with quotes.

Type in "Handicapper General" - with or without quotes - and the results are the same for the top six spots. With the "Harrison Bergeron By" being the one where the term originates - it's a real short story about making everyone equal, you should like it Don.

With a bit of creative searching, anyone can be top on Google - depending on how you search. That's my point.

Michael Ross

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