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Twenty Billionaires Who Started With Nothing [Archive] - Page 11 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
December 12, 2010, 09:44 PM
...that, after clicking on "read the [rest of the] story" link at the bottom of the 1st page, it led to an UNavoidable advertising video (commercial) -- which the visitor is *forced* to view, before proceeding. That is, the rest of the article is held hostage -- the "ransom" being one's eyeballs AND a bunch of seconds worth of attention paid.

"You VIL votch zee ads, UNT you vil LUFF votching zee ads!!"
Hi TW,

On the other hand, it's probably ads like that helping to keep the magazine afloat... After all, they've gotta pay the bills too!

If it's a choice of it existing with ads, or not existing without the ads - I'd choose the ads...

I think many of these online ads are generally more entertaining anyway - they know that you have a lot of possible distractions online, so they have to keep it entertaining to make people watch!

Cheers, Dien

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