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Twenty Billionaires Who Started With Nothing [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
December 6, 2010, 08:23 AM
Here's another interesting story... from the life of John Paul DeJoria...


At times he was homeless. DeJoria worked his way up in hair care and cosmetic companies before joining with Paul Mitchell in 1980 to launch a hair products company, putting up an initial investment of just $700.

The key thing here is - he started in hair care and cosmetics, and worked in that field. Eventually, I'm sure the business was as familiar to him as the face he saw every day in the mirror. When he launched a company, it was in that same field.

He built on what he knew... It always helps to build a house on solid ground that you're familiar with - and not on unfamiliar ground, which could be quicksand!

- Dien

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