December 13, 2010, 06:00 AM
Sorry if I gave the wrong impression.
I am on the side of the ads! Remember, I am the big believer in intrusive ads. I believe intrusive ads are the (very) cornerstone of capitalism itself!
My sparring partner on this topic has always been Ankesh (who advocates the permission-based model).
So, yes, bring on the ads AND the forced keeping-the-audience's-eyes-OPEN, A-Clockwork-Orange style machines, that go with them!
(see attached image)
Minority Report style intrusiveness cannot be avoided. The intended audience cannot be PERMITTED to ignore the ads!
I'm totally there, man.
-- TW
I am on the side of the ads! Remember, I am the big believer in intrusive ads. I believe intrusive ads are the (very) cornerstone of capitalism itself!
My sparring partner on this topic has always been Ankesh (who advocates the permission-based model).
So, yes, bring on the ads AND the forced keeping-the-audience's-eyes-OPEN, A-Clockwork-Orange style machines, that go with them!
(see attached image)
Minority Report style intrusiveness cannot be avoided. The intended audience cannot be PERMITTED to ignore the ads!
I'm totally there, man.
-- TW