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your thoughts on this business idea please... [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : your thoughts on this business idea please...

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June 15, 2015, 06:44 PM
Idea is to put together groups of non-competing home service companies(landscaper, house cleaner, pool cleaner, etc.) for a cross-referral new customer lead program in specific neighborhoods/areas.

Each business would get 50 5x7 glossy postcards with a list of each business for that particular neighborhood to leave behind when they service their current customers in that neighborhood.

Something like..."We serviced your home today!"...and "Looking for other high-quality home service companies in NAME OF NEIGHBORHOOD?"...call or email us at MY NUMBER or MY EMAIL ADDRESS and get 20% off your first service(s)!".

I would distribute each lead ongoing.

Each company would pay $19.95/month to participate and get UNLIMITED, WARM, word of mouth new customer referrals.

Your thoughts are appreciated- thanks!!

This idea has been beat to death at the warrior forum. I don't have any specific link for you but I'd bet doing a search will find 'em.

Now to answer your question. Yep, it's a great idea and only takes time to get off the ground.

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