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your thoughts on this business idea please... [Archive] - Page 6 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 15, 2015, 10:10 PM
You could probably accomplish this by creating a "preferred provider" list of home repair services and make a biz directory website. You could set up each large affluent neighborhood with it's own directory site and just clone the site and change the name for each neighborhood website. Use the same vendors too. Then post bandit signs and/or put flyers in the peoples mailbox touting the site named for their neighborhood. You should the control the leads and make them come through you as a toll booth. It would also allow you to create your own database of homeowners in each neighborhood and you could cross market the other vendors-i.e. painter, driveway sealer, lawn service, pool guy. etc

ps obviously a preferred pricing hook would cause people to at least seek a quote from your vendors, and you would get paid a lead fee even if they use a different vendor

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