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February 17, 2017, 05:26 PM
Thanks Gordon,

Mil Gracias for the kind words.

I had just watched this video Before Visiting SowPub. So here is the Source




In MY OPINION - A Dirty Job - Like Scything the lawn by hand - is
CHEAPER than joining a Health Club.

And a Ton more FUN,
Than Baking under a Fake Sun,
Not Talking to Strangers on The Run,
You Couldn't get Me Into a Gym w/ A GUN.

At First - to get stronger - after living in the City for 30 years - I cut
the grass with a scythe.

My Grandfather taught me How to use An American Scythe. Much heavier
than a European Scythe.

But I watched tiny little girls in Europe cut an acre of wheat before Breakfast.
And then people in the USA Scything their LAWN by hand.


If they can do it I can do it.

So I bought a European Scythe, - Snath and Blade from "Marugg Scythe Co" in
Tennessee. Run by a nice wife and husband team. Tell them GLENN OSBORN
sent ya - 931-592-5042.

Started Cutting Grass.

After a couple or 3 Years Suddenly I noticed that - AFTER it Rains - Literally
THOUSANDS of spider webs appear like MAGIC- spaced a foot apart - on my 5
acres of lawn.


It turns out IF I don't Beat the GRASS to Death every week - My Happy
Spiders EAT all of the Bugs in my Raised Bed Gardens.

WITHOUT PESTICIDES. (I do sprinkle hot pepper on slugs. Even spiders don't
Like them much.)

Huh - I've been gardening since I could crawl - read all the books. Thought
I was an EXPERT.

Now - for Entertainment - I pull up a lawn Chair and Watch Big Spiders
Chase and Devour STINK BUGS on my Zuchini Squash plants.

Very Gratifying.

Stronger -

I am using the Ax and Sledgehammer instead of lifting weights to get back
into shape.

What am I getting in shape for?

40 Acres of Trees, Grapevines as thick as my leg. Multi-flora Rose Bushes
Wild and growing 30 feet tall. And 1000's of Asian Bittersweet Vines
which are choking all our TREES to death.

Gotta be cut or all our 100 yr old trees DIE.

(EDITORS NOTE - Google "Asian Bittersweet Vine" - Turns out some IDIOT
imported it. Zillions of berries carried by hungry birds - have spread
the vines from Florida to Maine - all the way to the Mississippi.)

Cutting Trees up by hand is EASY compared to cutting a path thru
my Version of the amazon jungle.


Mike Rowe Started a Foundation to Train and find people to FILL the
M*illions of Blue Collar Jobs in the USA.

Great Job - Mike.


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