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PREOCCUPATION INTERRUPTION Was New to Me - Meditation However- [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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May 24, 2022, 12:57 PM
Hi Gordon & Eric

Big market - one I dabble in as an affiliate and should get more involved in :)

Basic meditations are free on YouTube but still plenty of people buy them - the main one I sell is https://zen12.com/ which (from memory) sells for around $50 but another one from the same company sells for $299 and Centerpointe Holosync is an order of magnitude more expensive, even if you don't go on the retreats where you listen to the CDs you've bought.

Machines - Hulda Clark zappers go from under $100 to well over $400

My best guess is that Gordon's new device could easily sell for $299 (or maybe $499 or $999 !) - almost an impulse purchase price for a lot of this market - so long as it had a good sales pitch to convince people they needed it. And I think, coming from Gordon, that's pretty likely.

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