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May 29, 2007, 05:05 AM

Thanks for ASKing.

Financially it's nip and tuck - and - they are full most of the time.

Oh My! Better hope it doesn't get Unfull. If it's nip and tuck while full, it's a money vacuum when not full.

Have you - or them - looked to see what Other Successful Motels do that make them successful - even if they are in other countries?

Have they checked the lightbulb power? Maybe go to 75w globes insted of 100w. Of all the lights in the place that should lower the power bill.

Motels in Australia offer as Standard "tea and Coffee making facilities" - a few packets of biscuits, a few single serve tea bags, a few single serve coffees, some single serve long life milk, and a kettle. This was sadly lacking when I visited the states a whiles back.

Make a List of all the things to do. Then cross them off one at a time. Otherwise they won't know where to start.

Have they read Emyth? Unless I am mistaken there is a good story of a Hotel/Resort and how they got successful.

Question: When you say "High 20's" what do you mean? $20 a night?

Michael Ross

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