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Dien Rice
August 9, 2019, 06:38 AM
But be as ferocious as you want. Good for you for at least making a decision about what you want.
Hi Gordon,

I've been reading through some of Harvey Brody's old courses, and I thought I'd "riff" a little on a part of what he wrote, that most people don't talk about...

It's Harvey's "Better World Plan"...

which also boils down to motivation...

To go in a little different direction...

You can ask, what do you want? But also... what do you want for your family? Sometimes, working for the betterment of your family (wife/husband, kids if any, even brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, parents, etc.) can be more motivational... When you have the intention, not only to better your own situation, but to better their situation too...

I don't have any kids of my own - but I do care a lot about my wife, my brothers, and my nephews and niece... And I think, making sure they have a good life too is also my responsibility. (And I find it motivational!)

Then, expanding a little further... the "Better World Plan". This is the plan to leave the world a better place than you found it, to the maximum extent possible. This usually requires money...

How you want to improve the world is up to you. I've focused on donating to homeless charities in the past (because I think being homeless would be extremely rough)! And I like to remember the phrase, "there but for the grace of God go I"...

But it doesn't matter which way is your preferred way. Wanting to leave a better world behind, to the maximum extent possible, can also be very motivational...

I just thought I'd add these recent goings on in my mind to your excellent post... :)

Best wishes,


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