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How to become fierce, ferocious and furious. [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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August 10, 2019, 11:05 AM
So, Unpinkpanther, I am going to empower YOU to decide whether or not I should post a link to a FREE copy of the Creed?

What say you?


Hey Gordon

Thanks for the privilege

Yes, I think THE CREED is a must-have for anyone serious about being in business today

For those who see it as "touchy-feely", perhaps they skipped the 5th paragraph on page 2 (THE CREED is just 2 pages "thick")

However I'm also blessed to have Gordon's Secrets of Seed Faith Planting, Tending and Harvesting, Chattel Report, Hotsheet Profits, etc

I feel anyone who gets a FREE copy of THE CREED should also be willing to INVEST in at least ONE of those PAID reports. (And some J F (Jim) Straw materials too)

Thanks again

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