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June 1, 2021, 01:02 PM
Thanks Gordon,

My Feeling also.

Just Because I've Found a Proven Way I can Guarantee
to Make The USP - Unique Selling Proposition - Profitable.


Does Not Mean ANYONE wants it.


So I Throw this out.

This Same Book List has Ideas that Have Made Clients Moolah.

TEST that.

Marketing Book Lists are all over the place.

A List of Books Which have ALL Made Money.

Might be Valuable to Somebody.

Have to test and See.



You helped me save time Wasted down a Rabbit hole.

Just because We CAN HELP does not mean anybody WANTS that Help.

I think Joe Karbo said something similar to me a million years ago, and Melvin Powers repeated it some 20 years later.

We know, as marketers, to try to find those that WANT the help, and then throw most of them out, to find those that will IMPLEMENT the help...not an easy job these days.

I have a question about the books. Maybe I didn't read it correctly, are these books with information which proved to make money, or are we saying the book itself made money?

We know the old NY Times best seller list was spurious, Zig Ziglar showed us that...a book having sold 25k was included, no matter who bought them and then there are other books, like 7 Steps to Freedom by B. Suarez, and the Lazy Man's Way to Riches by J. Karbo which both made money and had 10 times the sales of some of the NY Times list.

So, does your list have books which have information, when IMPLEMENTED make money or is it the book itself?

Sorry, I probably didn't read it right.


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