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One of my favs. A little gift for you all. [Archive] - Page 8 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 2, 2021, 04:14 PM
I have a question about the books. Maybe I didn't read it correctly, are these books with information which proved to make money, or are we saying the book itself made money?

Thanks Gordon,

I have Not YET TESTED to Find Out Which BENEFIT My Ezine List WANTS to Buy.

"10 Book Covers That Help You Pick Up Women"

"10 Books That Make Extra Cash In Restaurants"

"10 Books w/Ideas We've Adapted to Make Clients Millions"

The Same Books
Were Used.

"The Problem of Increasing Human Energy" - Nicola Tesla

"The Lost Secret"

"Mae West"

"Cheap Chow"

Parallel Universe of Self"

"Magic for Dummies"

"Naomi - Home companion"

"Now You See It - Now You don't"

"What Women Want"

"The 'No-Hunger' Diet


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