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June 4, 2021, 05:45 PM
Thanks Gordon,

Flip Wilson could get away with saying things as "Geraldine"
that he couldn't say as "Himself."

Napoleon Hill and other book Authors
Who Tell Moolah Making Stories in their Books
are ALSO saying Things You Can't Find in Movies or TV. Magazines or Newspapers either.

Napoleon Hill - "The Law of Success" - Tells a Story about the #1 Salesman out of tens of thousands Dr Hill Trained to sell "Securities." And then INSULTS the reader. Saying we are TOO DUMB to learn from the #1 Guy.

I Took This to Heart and Studied what the #1 Guy was Doing.

"The Lost Secret" - In The Two Chapters Removed From "Think & Grow Rich"
Hill Talks about how You Raise and Lower Your Positive Energy Vibration - Depending on who you are WITH.

SCIENTISTS discovered people who TALK about themselves are Triggering the SAME AMOUNT of Brain Pleasure ENDORPHINS as people taking Cocaine.


A Recent COMPLAINT from a Former NBC Sports CameraMan - Building onto his house. He was Getting Contractors to TALK about what they LOVED MOST. A Hobby or a video game. AND THESE GUYS Did Lousy Work. Forgot to do Simple Stuff. (I told him he was DRUGGING them by Listening to what they LOVE to do.)


DEBRA just Sold 1.2 Million Bucks worth of Toyota's - in less than a Year.

We Spoke for an hour.

What she Took from all those Case Studies I shared was ONE IDEA.

Ask each car shopper to tell her about their DREAM CAR. And let them TALK themselves into buying a car.


(This is NOT what the 100's of Sales books I've read say to do!)

Debra LISTENED While Each Prospect Drugged Themselves into a Positive Energy.

Happy Endorphin Fog.

Mastermind Vibration Pleasure State of Mind.

The Car Sale is Something that "Just Happened" Along the way.

Glenn Osborn

P.S. - Dien Guessed Right on a Recent BRIBE-FOR-YOUR-OPINION Poll I did with my Ezine list.

300% More Votes Came in for:

"How to Mastermind w/A Billionaire without Telling Him"

Than for the other 10 Headlines
We Tested.

P.P.S. - I tested with and without. And I DO
Get More Participation when I Entertain Ezine Subscribers with Bribes Like:

BRIBE REPORT - "How I Formed a MASTERMIND With Mohammed Ali In Order to
Park Illegally without Getting Towed or Ticketed."

P.P.P.S - About 50% of my Headline ""Voters" Buy the Info Product they
VOTE FOR - so If I Get Enough Participation PLUS a Clear Winning Headline - I go
ahead and CREATE the Product.

Saves a Ton of Mistakes.

SHORT VERSION - "I ask my Customers what they want to BUY then Sell it to them."

I Learned to do this from
Gary Halbert,
Bill Myers,
Ted Nicholas (The Hidden Benefit)
Napoleon Hill.

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