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A chat-GPT story... Gordon Alexander in the city of neon lights... [Archive] - Page 10 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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December 24, 2022, 05:41 PM
Merry Christmas Millard,

A Former Partner of mine, Mother of The FuzzBuster Radar Detector, Serial Entrepreneur has a Strategy I Like.

Judy Says, "When I Enter a Room I Try to SCARE the Hell out Folks. The One
who DOES NOT SCARE and Comes over GRINNING to Shake my Hand. THAT is The Prospect I'm lookin for."

Here is how I got THROWN OUT of A Chamber of a Commerce Group, a Lions Club and a Toastmasters Group.


Each Networking Host Came up to me at the Back of the Room. And "Politely" ASKED Me not to Come Back.

Here is how/why I Try to SCARE Folks at Networking Events.

FIRST THING At These Things - You Go around the room. Introduce Yourself.

So when It's my turn.

I stand Up - Blue Suit. Red CHAINMAIL TIE. Run my Metal Pen Up and Down The
Tie. And Say LOUDLY. "Howdy. My name is Glenn Osborn. What I do is
Interview Self Made Millionaires All over The World. Adapt and Combine Proven
7 Figure Ideas FOR YOU. If You Wanna Make a Bunch of Money without Any Work
- Becuz I DO IT all FOR You. Come See Me."

AFTER The Meeting.


The Host TipToes over and says, "I Started this "Chamber, Lions Club Etc to Find
Clients for My Business. NOT YOURS. Please don't come Back."

***THE GUY WHO RAN The Toastmasters Club
In Maryland was a Stickler for Following TOASTMASTER CLUB RULES.

So He Says, "Ok. Everybody Gets 3 Minutes to Talk About President Obama's
Policy on _________."

(In My Opinion - VERY STUPID to Talk Politics or Religion.)

So my turn Came.

I Stood up and Said, "Instead of Talking about Politics I want to Talk about This
HUGE BLACK Spider I Found on My Window This Morning. And the Tiny Spider
Behind My Soap Dish in The Bathroom...

Nervous LAUGHTER....in the room.

The skinny little Host Came over and Asked me to Not Come Back.

100% Ok with me.

Because I Didn't Find A Single ENTREPRENEUR in The Above Groups.

I DID Like The looks of a Lady
Running a BNI Group - However.

Janets BNI Group Met in a Restaurant Banquet Room.

I Used the "$-Fan, Lotto Tickets & Wgt Loss SunGlasses" (The Most Incredible TIP Strategy I have EVER Discovered) to tip the Waitress all thru The Lunch meeting.


This ATTRACTED the Attention of the Band Box Attractive MARY K meeting Host. We met later. Found out her #1 Distributor was a Lady Minister. And She Was Doing Free "Dress for Success" Workshops at a local School.

We Did Some Business.

I Introduced her to a Photographer who was Taking Class Photos for Local
Schools. And She Was Able to Get Into a TON More Schools.

Girls PANIC right Before the Class and Yearbook Photos.

The PHOTOG was Happy Happy Happy for the Help.


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