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A chat-GPT story... Gordon Alexander in the city of neon lights... [Archive] - Page 13 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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January 3, 2023, 07:39 PM
Thanks Millard,

Jay Bought the BatMobile (And Lots of Other Cars) Cuz of

***the Story***.

When I Wear a PINK or Purple or Black ChainMail Tie - I Tell People

***A STORY***.

(A Client takes Adventure Vacations. While Taking Photos of Polar Bears. He Noticed the DRIVER wearing a Chain Maile Tie. My ChainMail Tie Maker is from ALASKA.

SAME thing with The Wgt Loss SunGlasses.

***The STORY*** Makes The Glue Glasses EXCITING)

I Just Ran out and Handed The UPS Driver a LOTTO Ticket and Thanked Him. WHILE HE WAS DELIVERING to a Neighbor. Not me.


Not only do I Get MY Packages Delivered to my door. Instead of Tossed out by the mailbox in the rain. But I am Getting Packages AND Mail Delivered to ME Instead of 3 Neighbors.


2 Weeks Ago - I Gave UPS DRIVER a Choice.

"Which do you want as a Thank You Reward" A Lotto ticket. OR a Pair of "Wgt Loss SunGlasses."


"CRAZY Japanese Company says, "Blue Not Found in Nature. Except for BlueBerries.
So BLUE FOOD Shocks Your Brain.
Blue Food is UGLY.
You Eat Less.
You Lose Wgt.

TWO WEEKS LATER - (When I ran out to give him a Lotto Ticket. The UPS Driver Held Up His BLUE SUNGLASSES!)

He is Running in and out of Peoples Yards. Telling people THE STORY. And Wearing my "Wgt Loss SunGlasses!!!

We Adapted This Idea From Our "Billionaire Watching Club"


I teach my Clients to Invite a Prospect to Lunch.

You Thank Reward The Waiter/Waitress with Lotto tickets and Wgt Loss SunGlasses. And Let them FEEL THE FUN.

SO Much Fun.

INVISIBLE COMPETITION - Creates Fantastic Service,
3,4,5,6 Waitresses,
Nearby Patrons come over and Chat.
The cooks,
The Manager,
The owner Come over to Say, "THANKS."

Clients Buy More.

Prospects Buy You Lunch. And Buy Your Stuff.


P.S. - The Effects STACK UP. So the More Times You Eat at the same Restaurant.
The Bigger The EFFECT.

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