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High Impact Marketing Face-to-Face [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Millard Grubb
January 30, 2023, 08:56 AM
I appreciate the post about Gary Halbert and his face spraying water gambit.

As a former performer, I know that there are numerous ways to create a mood, look, or expectation in the minds of audiences just by doing simple things.

I learned many things while being on stage and often it was learning just how to say something.

I imagine in the example of the $1000 gift, it was a discount on a product or services. But one has to be cautious of exactly what is said. The implication in the wording is that a person will get $1000. Of course, they think they are getting $1000 cash... when actually it could be a discount. Since I don't know exactly the situation, I can only surmise what is going on from the description.

Btw, as well in this posts as well in others you mentioned your savings with an inexpensive solar light that packs small. There is a more robust solar light that can light up big areas that is also portable... it is called Lyte Bug. It is very sturdy from what I have seen.

As always thanks Glenn for another insightful post. :)


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