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I need your feedback... What do you think of the new RSS feed? [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
June 17, 2007, 12:44 AM
Hi Sandi,

I already use sowpub as my default home page so don't need the rest of it.

The one thing I don't like, however, is the orange box right next to the URL drop down box. I keep hitting it instead of the menu I want. The menu drop down arrow is actually a bit narrow to be crowded between two larger icons, IMHO...but that's not your fault.
Do you mean in your browser? (I've only tried it with Firefox, since I haven't installed Internet Explorer version 7 yet... I'm still on version 6.)

In Firefox, I did put the RSS feed in my "Bookmarks Toolbar Folder" (that is, the Favorites/Bookmarks that you can make sit at the top of your browser). Although the little arrow is on the orange icon, you don't have to actually click on the orange icon to get the drop down box... You can click anywhere on the name you've given to it. (Mine says "SOWPub Feed" next to the orange icon.) I'm not sure if this is what you mean though...

I think it's nice you're trying various things to make this fabulous forum even more useful.
Thanks Sandi! It's always good to try new stuff! :)

However, I wanted to make sure I got some feedback... Just in case a lot of people hate it, then I can "reverse it" and it'd be back to the way it was. But so far (on the little bit of feedback!) it looks like most SOWPubbers probably either like it, or they're indifferent to it - in which case, I guess the net effect is positive. :)

I'm actually planning to incorporate more "surveying" into my future "things I do"...

I've also started to do a lot more split-testing... I think it's important to get feedback from people - and surveys and split-testing are two ways to do it! (I'm not doing any split-testing here on the forum, but more in sales letters and other advertising...) :)



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