June 26, 2007, 09:45 PM
Thanks for adding.
As I metioned, we can ALL find a way to be a Minority if we Choose to be. Youre "Bald" story is a good example.
However, there is a world of difference between a restaurant offering specials to bald people and creating a book of advertising aimed at people with a certain sexual fetish, who, similtaneously, jump up and down and cry afoul of anything that may exclude them - real or preceived.
They can have a Same Sex Fetishist book but I cannot have a HeteroSexual book. Double standards. Creating division. Forcing their sexual fetish down my throat.
Michael Ross
Thanks for adding.
As I metioned, we can ALL find a way to be a Minority if we Choose to be. Youre "Bald" story is a good example.
However, there is a world of difference between a restaurant offering specials to bald people and creating a book of advertising aimed at people with a certain sexual fetish, who, similtaneously, jump up and down and cry afoul of anything that may exclude them - real or preceived.
They can have a Same Sex Fetishist book but I cannot have a HeteroSexual book. Double standards. Creating division. Forcing their sexual fetish down my throat.
Michael Ross