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Updated Harvey Brody Course? [Archive] - Page 28 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Bob Blagg
October 2, 2011, 11:16 AM
Hi Gordon:

As you know I have not been just sitting around waiting for Harvey’s new course to come out.

I have been taking all the Toll Position information I have learned from people such as yourself, Harvey and E. Joseph Cossman and have been using it to find my own Toll Position.

I have battle tested everything I thought I knew and found out what actually works and what doesn’t work at all when it comes to finding a product and getting it to market.

I have taken all that I have learned and tested and put it in writing so anyone who ever read what I wrote could follow a step by step process in finding a Toll Position.

It is not a hard process a person just needs someone to guide them or the time and effort to make mistake after mistake until they get it right.

I know this may sound arrogant but in answer to your question there is nothing in regards to the Toll Position concept that I feel I have not had answered.

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