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What's Kramer's Racedar And What's The Color Of Money [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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December 4, 2006, 07:10 PM
could be brewing here....

did any one actually see the ENTIRE video ?

Kramer had been getting heckled and defaced and defamed by the N's in the audience...and he reacted in words that they would understand ...because they were acting like N's...look it up in the dictionary ...spelled niggar..as in a nignardley fashion...

some of you have little or no 'diversity' in your area...I use the computer at the public library at times...and I am a minority in this black area....not a bigot ...a minority ...

anyways, sitting at this computer one day , surrounded by blacks...males mainly ....'talking" to each other....EVERY sentence contained a mother-f***ing Nig**r" phrase to EACH other....

I told em ....that I didnt have to listen to that kind of language...paused...
and said " if your mom taught you to talk like a mother-f***ing Nig**r, then you should go tell her she did you an injustice....cause people treat YOU like you talk "....

they called me...." a mother-f***ng prick"...offered to walk me to my truck ...which I declined...

anyway , security walked me to my truck as they hooted and holllered their slang white phrases at me....reminds me of the old days ...when whites talked like that to blacks....

oh ...the diversity thing...is simply segregation ...not a UNITing course of action ....anyone who lives in America ..or wants to live here...should know how to speak the language....not phonetically ....

oh well....

just a little rant and rave from me...

hve a good one

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