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Skip Rosell
February 27, 2010, 10:50 AM

I've watched you grow from a single report guy, an affiliate, to having over 160 reports to offer to your members and I'd like to include, that is FEATURE your site in the new Before You Buy Anything 2010 update...and you are right, nothing beats WORK to pick up your energy and get you focused on goals (except, family, friends and some great {or mediocre} sex...and as MeatLoaf might say, 2 out of 3 ain't bad...HA!)...

So, my target date is a March 15 release of the NEW BYBA and I'd love to have as many SowPubbers as I can FEATURED in the FREE report.


Hi Gordon,

Thank you very much.

I was lucky because as soon as I got my first computer I found you and Dien and Seeds Of Wisdom forum. That is what started my ride and I have had a ball writing about different ways to make quick cash.

I would be proud to be included in your new project, thank you.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

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