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April 7, 2016, 12:33 AM
Gordon, I think it goes to the idea that it's easier to sell someone on a $300-400 product/service than it is to sell someone on a $4000 product/service.

The happy medium of course would be to split the difference and sell someone 1/2 the card and someone else the other half - non-competing but complementary businesses.

Sure, all kinds of ways to do it, from 20+ ads on a giant postcard to a single card.

MOST major insurance companies, offer a cooperative ad budget, each comes with its own restrictions and requirements, but agents who use this money, can afford to run their own cards, as can banks, lawyers, etc.

AND if price is easier, then how about a 99 dollar ad, where it would be a no brainer one call sale on the spot?

Advertising, for the most part is a value proposition, so costs become relevant. The lawyer who does liability cases, for injury, may have clients worth tens, or hundreds of thousands of dollars...so the 4,000 it takes to land a new client is a bargain.

So, the lifetime or overall value of a customer comes into play. Knowing a doctor, dentist or professional has a higher lifetime value client than the barber shop, gives the sales person the ability to pick and choose their someone.

We discovered running around didn't suit us, and started evolving our advertising business into a SPEED business, what gives us the highest return on TIME, and it normally kills other things BECAUSE it forced us to choose the someone we wanted as clients.

OF course we are all free to do whatever, however, I simply can't see why it would take 3 weeks to sell a postcard, when it should be an easy 3 day deal, if it is done properly...and without having to send out tear sheets, hire scrapers, make a ton of phone calls, send out email...

WHEN, knowing who in your town spends the money on ads, and aren't concerned about saving two nickles, but rather want something which works, and brings them more business...and their customers are valuable to them.

It can be fun and easy, and FAST...why take 3-5 weeks and all that running around, when in that same amount of time, you could have 10 single clients doing a solo mailing, and mix in some two, three or 6 or even 18 co-op cards if you want?

No, I think the problem is, there are some crafty, shrewd and slick guys (or gals) selling PROGRAMS and back-ends. NOT a problem for me and others, but the problem is reflected in how much "support" and hand holding these people need, when selling advertising is one of the simplest things you could do. Don Alm created all kinds of successful ad projects and very few of them took all that time and slop.

Just saying, or venting...but no worries, I let my "students" know very clearly if they want to do something different or join a cult or a group...that's ok with me, just delete my number from your phone.


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