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April 9, 2016, 10:59 AM
Read this thread the other day and what shows up in the mail yesterday - an odd sized, door hanger postcard. On one side is a local restaurant, on the other a plumber.

An odd combination, but...I know from my research that both advertise like crazy. They spend the money to get their share of the market, not content to let "whatever happens", happen.

These are the kind of businesses Gordon is referring to in this thread. They WANT to spend the money to get out ahead of their competition. They have a proven track record of doing so.

I have collected the proof.

No need to convince them that they need to market themselves to survive and thrive.

They're already doing it.

So, this thread has me thinking, what if I found just one of these types of go-getter businesses a month and set up a monthly postcard mailer for them.

If I cleared $1,000 per month from each advertiser, for virtually no work on my part, would it be worth my time?

What might my income be by the end of the year, if I found 2 businesses each month to do solo postcard mailers?

Could I sign them up like this for a while, "put 'er on autopilot" and just collect the checks each month, from a beach somewhere?

Gordon...ya gots me thinkin'!


Yes, good thinking too. I collect ads and junk mail, I imitate Denny Hatch, in my area, I know Who's Mailing What.

I too can see who is spending money or as you call them, "go-getter" businesses who
"want to spend money",
in other words, they know they have to advertise.

Now, consider this, try an ADVERTORIAL and take it to the business, show them something different they may have never seen before and walk out with a check.

Stay away from coupons but have strong action offers and a REASON why for the offer.

I'll give ONE away for everyone. Insurance.

And either roofers or basement water proofers for the back side.

On the insurance side, a little map of the Zip Codes, with red dots and/or amounts like 10k, or 3k or Car...and ask the agent what claims he has paid out in this code (could be over 5 years even)...

County Farm Insurance has Paid out over $123,987.53 to residents living in this map area. What name should we put on your check?

Then, and here is THE SECRET, tell the story of one of those neighbors, who added value to their home via a NEW ROOF and had to increase the amount of insurance.

Maybe mention HAIL DAMAGE, often a claim that doesn't get paid because the homeowner didn't want to pay a little bit extra for it. Does MILLIONS of damage a year across the country.


When you deal with businesses who are already SPENDING MONEY as Ron pointed out, and you give them something new, different, cost effective and advertising designed for them, you get away from the Poor Tony's of the Pizzerias, and deal with the guys who can write out that check on the spot without having to think about it.

Again, it, to me, just makes sense to spend your time wisely or else you end up running all over town, dealing with people who have no business being in business, collecting deposits, getting proofs done...which is why I prefer a custom made advertorial, to eliminate the back and forth of design work.

Look, Ron is a pro. Been around but we old timers are always on the look out for ways to streamline and quicken the process.

Today, my shoe leather lasts much longer, to the chagrin of my shoe repair guy...because I quit...


and have gotten them to CHASE ME.

or, GO ahead and get that 9x12 with 14 ads done, and try to do it before the first guys you sold to get pizzed off cause it is taking too long.

Think smart, and don't be a sheeple.

Or not.

Gordon Jay

PS. Timmy is the kid who was hired to put the door hangers on, but sometimes Timmy cheats, or has a date, and not all the doors get their ads. Maybe Timmy skips every other house. We say, don't let Timmy ruin your promotion, let the USPS Carrier do it. HA!

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