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How a 33-year-old turned $200 into $1 million in 92 days... [Archive] - Page 6 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 5, 2017, 06:13 PM
Thanks Steve,

Here is the part of the article I liked best.


Like Fran Tarkenton - providing all the game programs for F_R_E_E
to all the teams.

Then S*ELLING the Advertising.


Inspired by his experience dealing with products sourced from China, Chapman is also co-managing a new start-up. With his brother-in-law, Chapman launched a shipping logistics company last year that uses ***free space on commuter flights, mostly those of Delta Airlines, to ship from Asia to the U.S. for less than bulk shippers. Its latest customer? Another online retailer called Amazon.***

The business is on track to do $10 million in its first year. As with his old business, the workload is largely outsourced to a team.

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