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How a 33-year-old turned $200 into $1 million in 92 days... [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 6, 2017, 08:26 PM
Thanks Steve,

Here is the part of the article I liked best.


Like Fran Tarkenton - providing all the game programs for F_R_E_E
to all the teams.

Then S*ELLING the Advertising.


Inspired by his experience dealing with products sourced from China, Chapman is also co-managing a new start-up. With his brother-in-law, Chapman launched a shipping logistics company last year that uses ***free space on commuter flights, mostly those of Delta Airlines, to ship from Asia to the U.S. for less than bulk shippers. It's latest customer? Another online retailer called Amazon.***

The business is on track to do $10 million in its first year. As with his old business, the workload is largely outsourced to a team.

Hi Glenn, Life is good... I appreciate it even more after spending 2 moths in the Royal Brisbane Hospital (21 days in ICU on Kidney dialysis) in Feb/March of 2015. Caused me to make some changes to my lifestyle that are finally beginning to pay off... You gotta keep sowing seeds and tend to the garden daily to reap a good harvest... Hope you are doing well. I'll have to give you a call soon.

Yes, the shipping deals are brilliant. I was trying to figure out how the Hugh canvas waIl portraits I get made in China costs less to ship to Australia than it costs to mail a small paperback book to a town located less than an hours drive from me.


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