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April 1, 2007, 01:45 AM

Thanks for asking.

I’ve made a 90-day commitment to a good friend of mine to help him develop the Detroit Michigan market for an Autobody Refinishing Supply Company.

My buddy has been involved with this Company for a couple of years, kinda plodding along working a day or so a week...

Corporate wants him to do better or else they are going to take his territory away.

YOU seem more committed to this than your Buddy.

Has Corporate defined what they mean by Better - seems you've already done Better?

After you have developed this market, what is there to stop Corporate deciding it's not good enough and taking the area away as they have already threatened? Or even just taking it away anyway?

Have you looked into the High Probability Selling/Prospecting Method by Jacques Werth? http://www.highprobsell.com (If you do some Googling you can find a lot of info and techniques on his system.)

Michael Ross

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