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April 1, 2007, 12:30 AM
Greetings Joe,

Being that your propect clientele is roughly 500 body shops, I'd be paying them a visit once a month. Every month. Setup a simple route system.

Your USP should simply be, showing up continuously. Think about Snap-On or Mac Tool. What do they do. They make a habit of showing up regularly, even if it doesn't convert into a tool sale.

Due to their diligence, they have carved out a name for themselves amoung car dealers, body shops, mechanics, and any other business needing tools.

For you to break into a highly competitative market is going to require more foot work. It's not ideal but it works.

I know from personal experience, because my first business was patterned after the same approach as the tool peddlers. I went from $12,000 a year to $100,00 a year by simply showing up and asking if they needed my service.

Having been in a service related business, and now a promotional products sales business, the main thing your clients want is constant attention.

The other benefit is that your competition is going to slip up at some point. It's not a matter of how, it's a matter of when. Since you keep showing up your prospect is going to call on "WHO" they remember when their regular supplier fails them.

Guess who that's going to be. YOU!!

Woody Quiñones

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