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Looking For Sales Advice [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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March 31, 2007, 12:36 PM
just off the top of my head ...

I would analyze the orders you have taken...or sold

see what products, quantities, etc ...

how may cars they do a day ...how many employees...how many of this ...how much of that....make all this a s specific as you can ...(maybe, even call em and ask em ..why they bought from you ? )

then when you have the specifics, market to similar shops...

your niche , if you will...

helping em get more business...sell em some magnets..put on all the customers cars and in parking lots...??

make up a discount for the new customers when the shop uses your discounted offer on the primers and clear coats ?

do like the car spa guy does, and just make up some discounts on body work ...make the discount apply to all your present shops...

and use this to show to new accounts how you support your customers...

who knows ?

tough market ....those body shops...

good selling to ya

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