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Mass Market VS Sophisticated Market – CONSULTING [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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August 10, 2021, 02:24 PM
While I was thinking on this, I have came across on this:

What I mean with "sophisticated"?

Sophisticated in general?

• high educated people?
• society power people?
• old rich generation?
• the cream of the cream of society?
• rich AND simultaneously sophisticated people?
• sophisticated people born in highly sophisticated Families?
• people who know how to recognize intrisic VALUE on things?

Or, sophisticated on the buying process?

• generally people who are used to buy a lot of expensive and high quality stuff
• generally people who are used to buy FASTER stuff with no dramas
• generally people used to buy on a particulary medium
• generally people who are used to buy on "X" market
generally people who are used to buy a that type of product

I am just sharing my process thoughts.

Probably I was thinking on this segment when I thought on "sophisticated people":

people who know how to recognize intrisic VALUE on things and generally people who are used to buy FASTER stuff with no dramas.

Opinions are welcomed.


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