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Mass Market VS Sophisticated Market – CONSULTING [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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August 10, 2021, 11:37 AM
When selling to a sophisticated audience can visual layout MAKE IT OR BREAK IT?

NOTE: I putted "Consulting" on the title but the question is really for both Products and Services in general.

And i said purposefully "sophisticated market" because "rich market" is too broad.

A person can be a "nouveau riche" with lot of money and not sophisticated – and vice versa.

I am sharing here this AD that is on Drayton's website for Bentley: https://draytonbird.com/the-proof-of-a-strange-pudding/bentley/

The AD is gorgeous.

And, of course, when selling anything visual (like jewlery) the photos have to be TOP photos.

However I am asking specifically on the visual layout when targeting "sophisticated markets" – regardless of the product.

Maybe more important that the visuals are the medium. Like a well regarded print magazine.

Your thoughts?

Thank you all.

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