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Mass Market VS Sophisticated Market – CONSULTING [Archive] - Page 6 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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August 12, 2021, 12:39 PM
One of my oldest Seeds of Wisdom: Where the head goes, the body follows.

Taught to me by my Jr. High School football coach, as he was teaching me how to be a good pulling guard.

So, today, did your head go to YouTube? Facebook? Social Media?

I know several, maybe many, of SowPub readers like influence, persuasion, NLP, and COPYWRITING/salesmanship and probably visit those Facebook groups set up for copywriters.

And what does your head find there? Wonderful stories of success, sitting on the beach with a yellow pad writing out six figure checks anytime you want, right?

Even with Robert Collier, and David Ogilvy as well as any Kennedy/Glazer people...

I have to ask about TIMING, and the marketplace. David Ogilvy is credited with selling out every single Rolls-Royce made by his 1959 ad about a quiet clock.

Oh, really?

See, in 1959 there was new wealth, fast growing boomer babies, WW II guys with families and an UNPRECEDENTED growth of wealth in the world, for those who were cashing in.

Was it the ad? Or did the ad bring AWARENESS to people with money that the Rolls-Royce even existed? Did the Rolls-Royce outsell Cadillac that year or any other year, or was it because there were a limited supply available?

Well, if you belong to and believe all the copywriting gurus, OF COURSE, it was the copy. Very few have gone in the deep research waters as to the why, like I have.

I know what the American Civil War brought with it. I know the booms that come after every "finished" wars, and how those that drag on or end up in losses (albeit never referred to that way), and I am aware of TIMING in the world of reality.

Don't get me wrong, I study, write and use persuasive/sales copywriting and believe it makes a difference...but to give that much credit when other factors are at work, is just too much for me,


When selling the hope/dream comes into it. Magic words? Only good on the right person at the right time in the right place.

When one takes the time to INCLUDE all of that, and controls it, then you have the complete picture.


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